5EB Workshops
Sadgamaya Foundation conducts various workshops for spreading the Himalayan wisdom and experience gathered over the years by Sri D P Mahesh, Founder, Sadgamaya Foundation.
In the 5EB workshop, there is a gradual exposure to experiencing the 5EB as well as an understanding of the importance of the Breathwork. Each workshop aims at reaching out and spreading this wisdom.
The participants are introduced to 5EB starting at the basic level- where they are introduced to 5EB and gradually taken through various levels. They can also get trained to become therapists. The workshops are conducted in Pan India as also in various countries by therapists trained by Sadgamaya Foundation.

Discover Breathwork Level 1
Half Day
Mode of Person
In Person
Program Description
A four-hour workshop which introduces 5 element Breathwork and importance of breath.
Includes :
- Knowing the importance of Breath and the role it plays in our lives.
- Gaining knowledge of various subtle Breath forces and how they affect us at all levels.
- Yogic breathing techniques.

Discover Breathwork Level 2
Half Day
Mode of Person
In Person
Program Description
A four-hour workshop with a practical Breathwork session
Includes :
- Group breathwork session.
- Learning to open breathing mechanism.
- Experiencing your deeper self.
- Post-session sharing.

Nectar of Life
10 Days
Mode of Person
Program Description
Ten weekly online free sessions in multiple languages each for one hour on the energy secrets for holistic well-being!
The languages include English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Tamil, Kannada and Telugu.
Includes :
- Mind body balance.
- Yoga & Breathing Techniques.
- Progressive Relaxation Technique.
- Basics of Swara Yoga.
- Breathwork.
- Agnihotra.

Prajna Sutra 1.0
3 Weekends
Mode of Person
Program Description
Ancient Energy Practices to raise the vibrations for Physical and Mental well-being. Online course with E- Certificate.
Includes :
- Breathwork – Fine-tunes your subtle energies through breath.
- Swara Yoga – Enables Understanding the deeper aspects of breath energy.
- Yoga Nidra practical session.
- Initiation to Chakra Beeja Mantras.
- Decoding Scriptures.

5EB Basics
2 Days
Mode of Person
In Person – Residential
Program Description
A two day residential retreat wherein further in-depth knowledge of 5 Elements Breathwork along with 2 practical sessions and introduction to Swara Yoga .(Brain breathing)
Includes :
- Deeper insight into the Pancha Vayus i.e the 5 subtle breath forces and how to work on them.
- Greater sense of alignment to achieve a deep connection to the breath energy through Swara Yoga.
- One practical session each day connecting with different elements.
- Post session sharing.
- Integrating energy by 5EB meditation.
- Better understanding of the self through scripture decoding.

Himalayan Retreat
9 Days
Mode of Person
In Person – Residential
Program Description
A nine-day Retreat is conducted twice a year. Once in summer during April / May in Haidakhan Ashram and once in the fall during September / October at Rishikesh. Both locations are in Uttarakhand, India.
Summer : We spend the first six days at Haidakhan Ashram where participants experience and get trained in the 5EB. Subsequently, for the next 3 days, there is a visit cum meditation at Kainchi Dham, Ashram of Neem Karoli Baba, as well as a trek to the holy cave of Mahavatar Babaji at Dwarahat, Ranikhet.
Fall : Retreat at Rishikesh is along the banks of the holy river Ganga. Here again in the initial 6 days the participants experience and get trained in the 5EB. On completion of 6 days, in the next 3 days, there is a trek to Tunganath (the Highest Shiva temple in the world) and to Chandrashila is undertaken.
Eligibility : Prana Nada or 5EB Basics workshop

Kailash Retreat
15 Days
Mode of Person
In Person – Residential
Program Description
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and dive into the realm of your imagination.
The ultimate spiritual destination – Mount Kailash.
Imagine being one with this surreal phenomenon – three days of arduous yet mesmerizing circumambulation around the abode of the Gods, breathwork in Mansarovar Lake, being a live witness to the manifestation of celestial beings and experiencing 5 Elements Breathwork at unparalleled divine energy spots around this sacred mountain.
It opens up infinite possibilities for your inner growth.
Welcome to this life-transforming Kailash Retreat.
This Retreat is unlike any other, each participant gets to complete a three-day circumambulation and the uniqueness of 5 Elements Breathwork in its purest form.
Sri Mahesh and his team accompany the participants and are with them throughout. He inspires and prepares each one personally.
According to his personal experience, an important inner alignment takes place within each participant on completion of the circumambulation (Parikrama) of three days.
Eligibility : Completion of one Himalayan Retreat
Essentials – Mandatory special breath training 3 months prior to the Kailash Retreat. This is to prepare the body for cold weather and formidable low oxygen during the circumambulation.
Itinerary : Detailed Itinerary is sent closer to the date of the retreat. The activities in the 5EB Mount Kailash Retreat include:
1. The first day in Mansarovar/ Mount Kailash is aligned with the FULL MOON.
2. 5EB session / meditation / fire ceremony in Mansarovar.
3. Three days Parikrama (circumambulation) around Kailash.
4. Meditation sessions around Kailash.
5. Trek to Gaurikund.(optional)
Advanced Workshops for Trainers / Therapists in 5 Elements Breathwork

Train the Trainers
2 Days
Mode of Person
In Person – Residential
Program Description
Participants will get trained to conduct group breathwork sessions as well as deeper insights into Himalayan wisdom. The basic science of breathwork theory is followed by trainer workshops where repeated feedback is provided to participants to become master trainers.
Upon successful completion of this program, the participant will be a Certified Trainer to conduct group 5EB sessions and workshops on Himalayan wisdom under the Sadgamaya banner around the globe.
Three two-day weekend workshops at Bengaluru with a gap of 3 months to train and fine-tune the skills.
Eligibility :
Completion of one Himalayan Retreat.
Selection is based on personal interview.

Kashi Retreat
7 Days
Mode of Person
In Person – Residential
Program Description
Advanced therapist training for giving a high-quality 5EB session.
Phase I : Six-day retreat in Kashi to dive deeper into the subtle energies of 5EB.
Phase II : One-on-one session with Sri Mahesh, where he spends the entire day with each participant guiding them to the secrets of giving high-quality 5EB sessions.
Phase III : 2 two-day weekend workshops at Bengaluru with a gap of 3 months to impart the wisdom of integrating the 5 elements effectively for physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues.
Eligibility :
Completion of one Himalayan Retreat.
Selection is based on personal interview.