Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs )

What is the duration of a 5 Elements Breathwork (5EB) session?

5EB session takes one to two hours and varies from person to person. Time taken will depend on one’s energy cycle.

How many 5EB sessions are needed to see the desired transformation?

Typically ten sessions are required with the assistance of a qualified 5EB Facilitator to release the trauma that one is faced with. After that one can continue to practice alone. The actual number of sessions varies from person to person.

What happens if something surfaces during a 5EB session that cannot be handled?

It is a fact that emotions or experiences, that one is not equipped to deal with or successfully integrate, never surface. We have found this to be true, in the thousands of sessions conducted, so far.

Why is it important to have 10 sessions initially?

To start, most people need to open their breathing mechanism. We have observed that it needs a minimum of 10 sessions to be able to do the same. However, some people may need more sessions.

Why is it important to release birth trauma?

Birth trauma causes physical, emotional and mental damage resulting from the struggle for one’s first breath. This is the main reason behind most people sub- ventilating as adults when they breathe. Their breathing mechanism is inhibited because it is repressing the fear they felt at birth.

5EB, helps overcome these physical, emotional and mental damages.

At what age can a 5EB session be given to a child?

5EB sessions can be given to children as soon as they are old enough to follow instructions to guide their breathing rhythm. They normally follow their own intuitions so one should let them take the reins of the session.

Can a woman take a session during her menstrual cycle?

No, she cannot take a session during her menstrual cycle.

Ayurveda says "To heal a child, you first have to heal the parents" Is this true and to what extent? If so then how does it work with regards to 5EB?

It is advised that both parents (or at least one of them) to take 5EB sessions before these are given to their children. Usually, children absorb their parents EEP (Emotional Energy Pollution) and problems. When parents take 5EB sessions and release the hurt, traumas and blockages it helps the child. In many cases we have seen that the child’s problem disappear.

How do you compare 5EB with Spirituality?

5EB by itself is not a spiritual technique; it is a cleansing process. However, during and / or after sessions, an individual may lean towards spirituality. If one is already into spiritual practices, like meditation, there will be considerable enhancement of these after a 5EB session.

Is 5EB same as Pranayama?

Pranayama and 5EB are not the same. Pranayama works with Prana vayu, it is breathing with Air element only. In 5EB, one works with all the five breath forces along with their corresponding elements, taking in both air and energy.

Is 5 Elements Breathwork (5EB) same as breathwork?

5EB is a type of breathwork. It is a breathing technique practiced with one of the five elements (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Space). This unique method of breathing takes into cognizance the importance of these 5 elements, that are constant companions in our three-dimensional reality. Practicing breathwork with the 5 elements has a grounding effect on our personality that allows us to connect with everything and yet remain unique.

Why do you have to take the session with a 5EB Facilitator? Is it dangerous?

5EB sessions are associated with high levels of physical and / or emotional intensity. It is important to have a qualified 5EB facilitator to support and guide during initial sessions.

Should the breathing be through the nose only or can we also breathe through the mouth? What is the difference between nose /mouth breathing on the overall effect?

There should be a proper balance between nose and mouth breathing. Breathing through the mouth causes repressed emotions and feelings to surface. While breathing through the nose can cause the same, it has the advantage of helping integrate these emotions and feelings. In order to integrate them, one should always start and finish a session, breathing for a few minutes, through the nose.

I would like to know what is the difference between chest / abdominal breathing?

Breathing only in the abdomen leads to suppression of emotions, increases the need for control, and at a later stage unable to feel/express emotions. This is usually more common in men as they need to appear stronger.
Breathing only in the chest leads to being stuck in the emotions and unable to deal with them.

What role do affirmations have in 5EB? Are they effective?

Affirmations, when repeated, enter our subconscious. Affirmational 5EB uses breath to empower positive affirmations, at a deeper level, to release old, stagnant beliefs. It is a great help, support and inspiration for individuals who consciously want to take charge of their lives to start creating the life they want.

Up to which month of pregnancy can 5EB be done? How soon can 5EB sessions start after delivery?

5EB can be safely done up to 8 months of pregnancy. However, it is important to note that the breathing should be gentle and at a comfortable rhythm. A woman can begin with 5EB sessions 3 months post delivery.

Can one heal health problems eg Hypertension, Diabetes, Heart, etc. with 5EB?

Any person with health problems can do 5 Elements Breathwork. Someone who is suffering from an illness can benefit a lot because most health issues are psychosomatic. 5EB works at the subconscious level releasing traumas, beliefs, fears and anything that is weighing one down.

NOTE : 5EB facilitators do not diagnose or treat illnesses and do not practice medicine. A facilitator’s role is to help the client to breathe Energy through which healing takes place at all levels including physical.

Is 5EB a kind of Hypnosis/ Past life Regression/ Meditation?


What is hyperventilation (HV)? How does it differ from 5 elements Breathwork?

5 Elements Breathwork is not hyperventilation. Healthy breathing occurs with a balance between breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide. Hyperventilation is a medical condition in which one starts to breathe very fast, thereby disturbing this balance. Exhalation is more than inhalation causing a rapid reduction in carbon dioxide. Subsequently there is a reduction in blood supply to the brain. Such a condition leads to symptoms like breathlessness, lightheadedness and tingling in the fingers. Hyperventilation only occurs as an occasional, panicked response to fear, stress or phobia. On the other hand, 5EB is a rhythmic continuous connected breathing where inhalation is longer and is followed by quick relaxed exhalation. Breathlessness, a symptomatic of hyperventilation, is not a characteristic of 5EB. People who suffer from hyperventilation do not experience profoundly positive change and transformation as experienced in 5EB.

If you have queries, please contact us at [email protected]


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