Executive Body

DP Mahesh
Founder, Managing Trustee
Mahesh is the Founder and Managing Trustee of Sadgamaya Foundation. He is completely dedicated to the quest and dissemination of spiritual wisdom. For the last two decades, he has focused on helping people heal and understand their path to spiritual growth. A significant contribution from him is the discovery and development of the Five Elements Breathwork technique.

Lt Col (Dr.) Hemlata Harish
Dr. Hemlata, served for 27 years in the Army Medical Corps of the Indian Army. Subsequent to retirement, she was seeking a higher calling to address the myriad questions in her mind regarding exploring the realms of energy. Her search brought her to Sadgamaya Foundation. Five Elements Breathwork and meeting DP Mahesh transformed her life forever. This was a complete turning point in her quest. She succeeded in completing the Kailash Parikrama at the age of 70! She has been associated with the Foundation since 2014. She is trained in NLP, Acupressure, Energy healing & Rebirthing technique by Leonard Orr, founder of Rebirthing International.
She is a Trainer & Practitioner at Sadgamaya.

Vijay P V
Vijay combines being a successful entrepreneur and a Yoga instructor at Rastrotthana Parishad, Bengaluru with great aplomb. Though he practiced Yoga Asanas and Pranayamas for more than 10 years, he was unable to get a breakthrough on the spiritual path. In 2015, his association with Sadgamaya and DP Mahesh, hastened his spiritual journey. DP Mahesh, has, since then been his guide and role model.
Subsequent to attending the Himalayan retreat, Vijay had a spiritual awakening and his life transformed, both in development as well as in spiritual advancement! He now enjoys material and spiritual abundance with his wife and daughter. He attributes his success to the beautiful balance between his outer and inner life. He is a 5 Elements Breathwork Practitioner and a trainer for the 5EB workshops.

Dr. Darsheen Kotak
Dr. Darsheen Kotak is an innovator and pharmaceutical formulation scientist. A gold medalist with a master’s degree in pharmaceutical technology and a Ph.D. degree holder from the Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India with a Prime Minister Fellowship, during this period, he also earned 3 international patents.
A meeting with Mahesh in 2015 changed his perspective on life completely. In Mahesh, he found a Guru who made him look within and realize the true connection with one’s breath. Since then, he is closely associated with Mahesh having attended most of the 5 Elements Breathwork Workshops and Himalayan Retreat. Dr. Kotak firmly believes that merging ancient wisdom and knowledge with science can bring about a huge change in people’s lives. Through his R&D, he is constantly striving to bridge the gap between Science and Spirituality.
He is a 5 Elements Breathwork master therapist and trainer. He is also a master trainer of Masterminds International. He believes in truth, simplicity, and love.